Millennium falcon
Millennium falcon

Blueshifting of microwave background photons could kill everyone onboard without some type of shielding in place, and crashing into an object like an asteroid or planet could put a quick end to any Kessel runs, according to. But they also come with their own issues. Potential solutions - such as the Alcubierre drive - postulate ways to “bend” space-time and effectively push ships faster than light.

millennium falcon

points out that starting the Millennium Falcon would require mass-energy on par “with the total mass-energy of the planet Jupiter.” As you approach the speed of light, the amount of mass needed trends toward infinite, along with the amount of energy needed to move the Falcon. Current science hasn’t found a solution to several critical problems. Hyperdrive unfortunately doesn’t exist yet. As noted by, hyperdrives use “hypermatter particles,” which let spacecraft enter an alternate dimension, known as hyperspace, and exceed the speed of light. One of the fastest ships in the galaxy, the Millennium Falcon flies at a faster-than-light drive, known in Star Wars as hyperdrive. With the franchise’s newest iteration “Solo” headed to theaters on Memorial Day weekend, it’s worth taking a look at the fictional universe’s most popular ship and answering the question everyone eventually asks: Could the Millennium Falcon really fly? Faster Than Light? It also offers a great opportunity to break down some of the most interesting technologies from the Star Wars universe. It’s a day for fans everywhere to make that “May the Fourth be with you” joke without shame.

millennium falcon

May 4th - also known as Star Wars Day - is just around the corner.

Millennium falcon